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Including fields in a workspace
Identificação da resposta 2466   |   Revisado 14/11/2018

Which fields can be included in a workspace?


Editing or Creating Workspaces
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


When configuring a workspace, you can add database fields, including custom fields, in the workspace. Fields are pieces of information from the database, such as a contact name, address, or incident subject. In order for staff to view or edit a field, you must include it in the workspace.

Each workspace is based on a record type, and each record type has different fields associated with the database table. For example, contact records are stored in the contacts database table, and fields from the contacts table include First Name, Last Name, and Email Address as available fields. Similarly, answer records are stored in the answers table and have fields such as Summary, Status, Language, and Access Level as available fields.

When you create a new workspace, the type of workspace you choose determines which fields can be included in the workspace. That is, an answer workspace has different fields available than an incident workspace or a contact workspace. When copying an existing workspace, you can add new fields or more or delete the existing fields to customize the workspace to fit your needs.

Certain fields are not available to be added to workspaces.  If the field is not listed as an available option on the Insert Fields tab in the Ribbon, it cannot be added to the workspace.  

To modify fields in a workspace: Open the workspace for editing. From the Common Administration Items, select Application Appearance > Workspaces. Then, in the right frame, right click on the workspace and select Edit.

To customize a standard workspace, you must first copy the workspace and edit the copy. Then, you must update the appropriate staff profiles to use your newly-created workspace.

  • To add a field: Click the Insert Field tab at the top of the page and drag and drop fields onto the workspace.

  • To move a field: Locate the field on the workspace and drag and drop the field to its new location.

  • To delete a field: In the workspace, right click on the field and select Delete.

Para informações adicionais, consulte a seção 'Edit a workspace' na documentação on-line para a versão que seu site está executando no momento. Para acessar os manuais e a documentação on-line do Oracle B2C Service, consulte a Documentação para produtos Oracle B2C Service.

For an overview of configuring workspaces, refer to Answer ID 2483: Setting up a New Workspace.

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