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Configuring relationship items in workspaces
Identificação da resposta 2469   |   Revisado 25/11/2019

What are relationship items in workspaces?


Workspaces, Relationship Items
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


To add a relationship item to your workspace:

  1. From the Configuration items, select Application Appearance > Workspaces/Workflows. 

  2. From the Workspaces Explorer, right click on the workspace you want to edit and select Open or double click on the workspace. 

  3. If necessary, add a tab to the workspace. Right click to the left of the first tab and select Add Tab. 

  4. Relationship items are listed on the Insert Control tab in the workspace designer.

  5. Drag and drop the relationship items onto the tab in the workspace.

  6. Set the properties for the item.

  7. Save the workspace. 

When configuring workspaces, relationship items are specific features and functions that can be added in the workspace for the specific record type. While fields list information from database tables, relationship items include functionality specific to the record type of the workspace. 

Within a workspace, each relationship item can only be added once. Typically a relationship item is added to a single tab in the workspace. This allows users to easily view and work with the feature in the tab.

For example, in an incident workspace, the relationship items below can be added. Note that these relationship items add considerable functionality when adding or editing incidents.

  • Audit Log -- this displays the edit history for the incident. 

  • Contacts -- this includes the ability to add, edit, and remove contact records associated to the incident. 

  • File Attachments -- this allows the ability to add and remove file attachments for the incident. 

  • Guided Assistance - gives agents the ability to Search or Select a Guide

  • Rich Text Incident Thread -- this includes the entire functionality around adding and sending incident responses, adding notes or customer entries to an incident. The Incident Thread also includes the Smart Assistant, Search Knowledgebase and Standard Text buttons above the response panel. This allows staff to format responses, customer entries, and private notes with a variety of HTML attributes.
  • Tasks -- this allows staff to view, edit, and remove tasks associated with the specific incident. 

  • Time Billed -- this allows the staff to add and modify time billed for the incident.

Similarly, in contact workspaces, relationship items can be added to view associated incidents, opportunities, mailing activity, and surveys results.

Different record types have different relationship items available for the workspace. That is, a contact workspace has different relationship items available than an answer or opportunity workspace.

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Properties:  Each relationship item has properties that can be used to set attributes for that item. Once you add a relationship item to your workspace, you can click on that item and see the available properties for it

Properties are listed on the Design tab in the workspace designer.

For more information on editing workspace properties, refer to Answer ID 2518: Setting Properties in Workspaces.

Multi-edit workspaces: Most multi-edit workspaces do not have relationship items available. However the following multi-edit workspaces may include the relationship items listed:

  • Multi-edit incident workspaces may include the Incident Thread relationship item to allow staff to updated and send responses to multiple incidents at the same time. 

  • Multi-edit answer workspaces may include the Product Linker item. This allows staff to assign different products and categories to groups of answers.
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