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Cannot send response due to invalid email address
Identificação da resposta 2603   |   Revisado 15/07/2023

I cannot respond to an incident because the email address is marked as invalid in the contact record.


Contacts, Email Address, Sending a Response Message
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


When the techmail utility processes email messages, it detects hard bounces from sending mail servers.  If a hard bounce is detected, the contact's email address is flagged as invalid. When viewing the contact record from the console, a red icon displays next to the email field to indicate an email bounced as is invalid.
Contact record Email field with red exclamation point to indicate email is invalid

If an incident response message is sent while the contact email address is invalid, then the email response fails and the incident audit log shows Failure - Message delivery to some recipients failed.

If you determine that an email address that is flagged as invalid is actually valid, there are two options to reset the contact email to valid:

  1. You can edit the email address slightly and save the record. Then, re-open the record and save it back with the valid email address.  For example, you can add .invalid to the end of the email address and save the contact record. Then, re-open the contact record, remove the .invalid extension and the record saves without the invalid flag.  The audit log for the contact record will show the email address and email valid changes.  Then, you can send a response to your incident.
  2. You can edit the contact workspace (or contact multi-edit workspace) used by agents to add the fields: Primary Email Invalid (and/or Alternate Email 1 Invalid and/or Alternate Email 2 Invalid), which provides an option to set the contact email as valid with one edit / save.
    contact record fields for email, primary email invalid, alternate email 1 invalid, alternate email 2 invalid.  the invalid fields are yes/no menus


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